2011. december 26., hétfő

III. Magyar Képregényválogatott, 2011.

III. Magyar Képregényválogatott és a hozzá kapcsolódó játék: knet

Ez pedig az idei maca :D 
Színekért hálás köszönet Kovács Péternek

2011. szeptember 8., csütörtök

2011. augusztus 27., szombat

Man of God pencilled version of the cover

Sneak peak of the cover- making. This stuff will be inked by ink- wash technique.
Project description and characters are here: DA

2011. augusztus 17., szerda

Man of God submission package

You can see a sneak peak of our Man of God submission package here:

Terraverse blogspot.com

Let us know if you're interested in our work because we're looking for publisher. Pages coming soon!
Contact info: georgeterran(at)gmail(dot)com

2011. augusztus 16., kedd

Sneak peak from the Man of God project III.

Here is a new character sketch from the Man of God project:

LUCIFER 5’6” tall, 11.9 stone white guy. He has shoulder-length ginger hair pulled into a ponytail. He has the physique of a Victorian era bare-knuckle boxer. He is wearing a pair of thick-rimmed, square sunglasses. He is wearing a fashionable black and orange, pinstripe suit with a red shirt and black shoes.

Model credit: Danila Poyakov.

Facebook page of the project: FB

2011. július 26., kedd

Sneak peak from the Man of God project II.

And here is a new character sketch from the Man of God project:

GABRIEL VAUGN is a 43-year old, 5’11” tall, 12.6 stone Frenchman. He has mid-length
light brown, wavy hair. He looks slim but athletic and very dangerous. He is wearing a long
duster coat (similar to the ones worn in Once Upon A Time In The West), black combat
trousers with the pockets all filled, a yellow-ish tee shirt and dirty white Converse trainers.

Model: Tom Edwards, many thanks to him.

Facebook page of this project: FB

2011. július 20., szerda

Sneak peak from the Man of God project

Hey Folks,

we're working on a new project, the Man of God with a great writer, George Terran and with Roland Pilcz of course. Here you can see the first character sketch of this stuff.

The character is James Huntley: is a 35-year old, 5’10” tall, 13.7 white guy. His jet-black hair is in a scruffy (possibly home-cut) crew cut. He is clearly well toned and strong. He is wearing ripped light blue loose-fit jeans, tan coloured steel-toe capped boots, a causal tweed sports jacket and a plain white shirt.

Model: Jason Aaron Baca, many thanks to him.

And here is the Facebook page of this project: FB

Don't be shy to join us! :)

2011. július 3., vasárnap

Némi magyar nyelvű adalék a Tales from Neverland-ről

'Májusban jelent meg a Zenescope kiadó új sorozatának, a Tales from Neverland-nek (~Mesék Sohaországból) az első száma.
Hogy miért is esik itt és most erről szó?
Azért kérem szépen, mert a füzet első felét hazánk- lánya, Tondora Judit rajzolta, és fia, Pilcz Roland színezte!'

Teljes cikk itt:

2011. június 15., szerda

Tales from Neverland reviews again :)

'I was initially very impressed when I looked through it (the book) ...'

Full review is here: Comicbuzz

'A sign of any great comic series, to me at least, is that it has the ability to appeal to a wide audience and Grimm’s does just that.'

And the other: Dynamic Forces

2011. június 12., vasárnap

Newest Tales from Neverland review

'The art was the combined works of Judit Tondora (1-7 and 19-25 pages) and Antonio Bifulco (8-18 and 26-28 pages). This was the most disappointing part of the issue. The issue opened with some great artwork: it was well put together with a nice touch of colors from Roland Pilcz and Miguel Garrido that gave the imagery a nice abstract look...'

Full article is here: playeraffinity.com

And as I can see there was misunderstanding ... again :D (Read the comments XDDD).

2011. június 9., csütörtök

...and a new Tales from Neverland review

'This first issue focuses on some of [Tinker] Belle’s backstory and how she first came into contact with Pan. This is a rather melancholy story about manipulation and deceit that proves that despite her explosive temperament, Belle is actually one of the tamer fairies. This feature has art from Judit Tohondra (who??? because this is not MY NAME! :DDD. Okay, let me help you: TONDORA. Get it now? :DDD), who supplies gorgeous forms and some really nicely angles panels which convey some of the terrors Belle experiences at the side of the pond. This tale of fairies vs. mermaids seems to be only beginning.'

Full article is here:Review

2011. június 7., kedd

Preview and review of the Tales from Neverland

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

here is a preview of the Tales from Neverland #1 and a not really nice review of this issue.

The book got a 3 out of 10 but Roli and I got this: '...A perfect complement to the insipid scripting is the artwork, provided by two artists so wildly different in style that their partnership on this book is somewhat senseless. Judit Tondora’s painted artwork is passable if a bit immature, reminiscent of early ‘90’s Magic: The Gathering artwork.' And... I think as an artist I'm pretty pleased. :) Full article is here: Review

2011. május 26., csütörtök

The first issue of the Tales from Neverland is out now!!!!!!

The first issue of the Tales from Neverland is out now!!!! And you'll like it! ;)

I'll show pages and character sketches soon! ;)
Written by: Linda Ly & Raven Gregory
Colors by: Roland Pilcz & Miguel Garrido
Letters by: Jim Campbell
Order here:
Tales from Neverland is a registered trademark and title of Zenescope Entertainment©. All rights reserved.

2011. április 6., szerda

Tales from Neverland: the Zenescope's new series

I've just finished the first issue of a brand new comic book series Tales from Neverland for the Zenescope Entertainment. I've done 14 pages of the 28 because it was a collaboration with an artist, Antonio from Italy. The colors are from my favourite colorist buddy Roli Pilcz.

The whole story is based on J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan (my childhood favourite :D) but this is a special remake of the story and the characters. You can see them in the mini-series of Grimm Fairy Tales: Neverland. Written by: Joe Brusha.

The first issue of the Tales from Neverland is connected with the Neverland's story but it's about Tinkerbelle's bad luck and a terrible betrayal, which was just the beginning of the magical adventure.

More info is about the Zenescope and their series is here:

I'll show you my character designs from the Tales from Neverland as soon as the book will be published.

Grimm Fairy Tales: Neverland and Tales from Neverland is a registered trademark and title of Zenescope Entertainment©. All rights reserved.

2011. március 29., kedd

Neelakshi blog

Please follow the Neelakshi blog. You can get news and read a tons of interesting informations and explore the character designs, pages and so on here. Thanx!

And don't forget to visit our Kickstarter and collect these amazing perks!

2011. március 11., péntek

Neelakshi: Neelakshi pin- up

She is the main character of the Neelakshi.
Here is a writing about the book:

Neelakshi: the graphic novel

We still need and accept your support :D Any contribution at the Kickstarter can be claimed for tax exemption as this is charity.


2011. március 10., csütörtök

Neelakshi: Mayawhati pin- up

This is a Mayawhati pin- up. She is one of the main characters of the Neelakshi.
Here is a writing about the book:

Neelakshi: the graphic novel

We still need and accept your support :D Any contribution at the Kickstarter can be claimed for tax exemption as this is charity.


2011. március 4., péntek

Neelakshi campaign and the first sneak peak

Hey guys,

the Neelakshi has a Kickstarter and an IndieGoGo campaign because we'd like to collect some money to support the costs of the publishing. Apart from the fact that a publisher took an interest in our work we need this money because to print a comic is very expensive.

You can support and read more about the project and check out the cover and the first 5 pages here:
Any contribution at the Kickstarter can be claimed for tax exemption as this is charity.

and here



Writers: Ashok Rajagopalan and Asvin Srivatsangam
(their previous project was the Dynast)
Artwork: Judit Tondora
Colors: Roland Pilcz

Thank you very much for your support! Questions and comments about this project are welcome of course.

2011. február 27., vasárnap

... and the winner of my inker contest is...

And now dear ladies and gentlemen I'd like to announce my inker contest's winner. Who is... tattarattaaaa storm of applause please is:


Congratulations on your victory Miss! :D

The runner- up was Henrik

I'd like to thank you guys for being the a part of this contest. We got a lot of submissions and apart from the fact that the opinion of the jury was a bit unbalanced in the point of the abilities of the applicants I think this contest was very edifying.

Here is the opinion of a comic publisher's chief editor who wrote a short summary about your pages. Please read it carefully:
DA journal of this contest

2011. február 18., péntek

Hello 2011

So here are the news of 2011 because I don't want that you think I'm lazy. :D

I'm drawing two projects and I'd like to show some preview of these.

The first is the Bluewater's Legend Of Isis #16th issue.
You can read more about this comic here:

In my private opinion this comic is great. The basic idea of the Egyptian goddess who has normal life issues mixed the problems of the immortal goddess in this era is very interesting. I can tell you that you'll find everything in this book: attractive characters, interesting storyline and great battles of evil and good.

And here are my character designs:

My second project will be one of the most interesting comics what I've ever read.
The creators of this book use the elements of Indian mythology and create a new and original storyline and a fresh atmosphere in the comic world.

The Neelakshi will be an unique graphic novel and I'm sure the public will love it.

You can find the book's Facebook page here:
Join us!

Here is cover of the book, colored by Roland Pilcz.

2011. február 10., csütörtök

Egy újabb interjú/A new interview

Beszélgetés a képregényről velem. Külön köszönet Szepének! :)

Interview with me about comics. Language: Hungarian. Many thanks to Szepe!


2011. január 10., hétfő

The Jolene Houser Support Book

Hey guys,

buy The Jolene Houser Support Book please! All the money goes to support artist Jolene Houser after her recent car accident. We all hope she'll be better soon and we can help her by this book.


It features a collection of comic sketches by a lot of comics artists:

David Doub, Daniel Campos, Joamette Gil, Nei Ruffino, Mike DeBalfo, Mara Aum, Jerry Gonzales, Judit Tondora, Patrick Finch, Mike Champion, LS, Sketchbook Sage, Eugene Argent, Cameron Stewart, Charles Holbert, Chris Reinhardt, Tone Rodriguez, and Jakob Burgos.

And this is my sketch:

Thank you!


Vegyetek a The Jolene Houser Support Book-ból, ha tudtok légyszi. Az összes befolyó pénzt Jolene Houser képregényrazoló; művész kapja meg.

Súlyos autóbalesetet szenvedett pár hónapja és sajnos eléggé magas kórházi számlát kell kifizetnie, így persze minden cent jól jön neki.

Emlékszem, amikor 18 évesen szinte ugyanolyan körülmények közt volt hasonló autóbalesetem, mint Jolenenek (és én szerencsésen megúsztam pár karcolással), akkor minden támogatás borzasztóan jól esett. Jolenenek pedig most minden segítségre szüksége van, mert sajnos súlyos sérüléseket szenvedett, több műtét vár még rá, mivel az arca is megsérült és ezeket a kezeléseket már nem fedezi a biztosítása. (Nyilván tudjátok, hogy az USA-ban milyen rettenetes állapotok uralkodnak a biztosítási rendszerben).

A könyvet itt vásárolhatjátok meg:


A közreműködő művészek:

David Doub, Daniel Campos, Joamette Gil, Nei Ruffino, Mike DeBalfo, Mara Aum, Jerry Gonzales, Judit Tondora, Patrick Finch, Mike Champion, LS, Sketchbook Sage, Eugene Argent, Cameron Stewart, Charles Holbert, Chris Reinhardt, Tone Rodriguez, and Jakob Burgos.
